Saturday, December 1, 2018

Social Media Addicts?


So, today I just realized how late I am signing up my assignment.
But it was nobody's fault but mine.
I've been having a lot of things to juggle,
But then, I just shut down everything, my work and my study..

But hey hey hey,
I believe that god gave us 'ujian' to make us better, stronger and wiser.
So here I am.. Finishing everything that I can.

So in this post I decided to talk about one of our society biggest issue:
social media addicts.
yes YOU! (okay me too)

we have been using our smartphone tirelessly.
We wake up in the morning, the first thing that we do? yes, looking at our handphone obviously.
scrolling our facebook, instagram and twitter.

Last year I've been practicing this "facebook detox''.
Where I will deactivate my facebook for 1 week each month.
It started off because I was pretty much addicted to facebook.

So at first, I keep on activate it back,
but months goes by,
I started to less and less clicking on the facebook app!

And today,
I can say that I only look at my facebook if my husband tag me 😹

What I'm trying to say is,

Yesterday I watched a Vlogger in youtube,
She mentioned a few steps to help to manage social media addicts

1. Keep yourself busy
2. Find a good hobby like hiking, books, travelling and such
3. Social media detox

The latest research by the International Medical University (IMU) shows that the most adverse effect from social media addiction is stress, anxiety and clinical depression.
The researchers from the university’s Behavioural Science and Psychology Department, headed by Dr. Ke Guek Nee also identified the link between social increased usage leading to deteriorating mental health.
“The results were obtained from a survey on 1,000 respondents among students of tertiary education institutions nationwide”, she said.
She revealed that 60 per cent of the respondents suffered from anxiety related to social media addiction.
Besides that, the habit of spending most of their time online had also adversely affected other aspects of their lives, said Dr. Ke.
“It led them to have poor physical health following unhealthy eating habits, in addition to sleep disturbances, reduced physical activities – which ultimately affected their focus in classes and lessons as well, and even socially segregated due to their lack of interaction with the real world”, she added.

Lets be a good social media user instead of being social media addict.

Till then,

New Malaysia?

This year general election is one of the most memorable election (for me, at least),
Because after 60 years Malaysia under one-party rule, Malaysians has decided to change the ruler.

Though I am not saying that the previous party only bring damages to our country,
We do need a breath of fresh air, where we can view from other party's, how they will manage this beautiful country.

I do believe that by giving chances to others, we can together improve our beloved country.

In this new Malaysia, let us embrace our plural society wholeheartedly, with a determination to make diversity our biggest asset. Let us remember that we are human first, above political views. Let us help each other, appreciate that Malaysia is made and sustained by very diverse populations from three very diverse regions of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, so that we may know – as per the Malay saying, “tak kenal maka tak cinta” (cannot love without first knowing) – and love each other.
Let us talk and listen to each other on how we can make our political system more open and inclusive to be compatible with our social complexity.

Till then,